Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Giant List Of Keyword Tools - Part 1

Keywords are incredibly important. It's one of the major ways that people other than your fans find you. How do we determine which are the keywords to use? By using Keyword Search Tools.

Here's part 1 of a great list of keyword search tools that I came across on the Search Engine Land site.

Keyword suggestion tools
Engine suggestions
Suggestions in the drop-down menus that appear when you start typing in a search box:
  • Google Suggest Keyword Suggestion Scraper Tool – This tool grabs the top queries fromGoogle Suggest which normally appears in a drop down menu under the Google search bar as you type a query.
  • Soovle is a free tool that provides the search suggestions from various engines around the net including Google, Yahoo, Bing, Wikipedia, Amazon, etc.
Visualization tools & word clouds

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