Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The CD As Lunchmeat

I was turned onto this Gizmodo post by reader Scott Culley. It's entitled "I'm Not Buying Any More CDs That Don't Look Like Lunchmeat" and illustrates the interesting graphic design of a CD by Lithuanian musician Shidlas that not only looks like Saliami, but packaged like it as well.

The album is appropriately entitled "Saliami Post Modern" and features the kind of out-of-the-box marketing that can make the difference between being recognized and making money, or being lost in the crowd.

Standing out from the crowd is essential in Music 3.0. Now that almost anyone can record, there's more product than ever available. Unfortunately, most of it is crap, but there's not many ways to separate the really great music from the rest, which makes it pretty difficult to rise above the mediocre.

I don't know if "Saliami Post Modern" is any good or not, but the packaging makes me want to check it out. Sort of reminds you of the days of the album, doesn't it (read my "6 Reasons Why The Album Died" post for more info on this)?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey ho,

thanx for your post.
you can listen to album right here



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