Monday, May 28, 2012

Setting Album Launch Milestones

Ariel Hyatt image from Bobby Owsinski's Music 3.0 blog
Recently on Music Think Tank Cyber PR maven Ariel Hyatt wrote a great article about marketing tactics for a new album launch. I'd like to reprint just a part of that post; the section that deals with launch milestones.
"Plan some milestones starting from two months before the release date to at least one month after the album comes out. Here is how this could look: 
Two Months Before Release - Release a single, a great way to get the fans excited and also to get some current press quotes to include when contacting press about the full length album - Announce to your fans that tickets are for sale for the CD release show 
One Month Before Release - Press campaign begins for new album - Announce pre-sale campaign through your newsletter, and social networks including Facebook and Twitter - Set up a Facebook invite for the new release, send it to all your Facebook friends and post on your Fan Page 
Two Weeks Before Release - Keep the excitement going, hold a contest to win a copy of the new album or tickets to CD release show 
Release Day Activities - Write a news post about the release on your official website - Send out a Newsletter to mailing list - Update Twitter and Facebook with an “album out now” post and link to where they can purchase it. 
One Month After The Release - Service press with official music video and announce tour dates. Again, the more activities you can plan leading up to the release will help build the excitement with your fans, and the more press points you can arrange for after a release will enable you to keep contacting press with new content, while at the same time reminding them about the new album. Also, don’t forget to ask your family, friends, and fans to write reviews of your new album on iTunes and other digital retailers the minute it becomes available. Studies have shown that albums that are reviewed at iTunes actually sell more than albums with little to no reviews posted. In the next and final post, I will talk about supplying content while you’re in between album cycles, as a means to stay relevant and fresh with your current fans, and to increase your fanbase as well."
This is some great advice. Unless you formulate definitive milestones, you have no idea if your plan is working or not. Plus, it's a lot easier to achieve your various goals if they're broken into achievable parts. If you have an album that you're finishing, it's never too early to make a plan for it.

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1 comment:

Jef Kniht said...

Good timing.

I was beginning to think about how my new album should roll out. My timeline looks slightly different, but this one is pretty on the money-ish.

It's my 18th album, entitled; A Blessing & A Curse and it should be out by August. Ya, I know, not a great release date, but my hope is that it will nicely coincide with the fall drinking season at the colleges.



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