Friday, October 30, 2015

Last Days Of British Bands Touring America?

Brit Band ToursFor most British artists and bands, America is is where they want to be. You may be a hit in England, but you really haven't cracked it until you tour America.

Unfortunately that's getting tougher and tougher to do these days, and we may soon see less of the Brit artists and bands we love, according to an article by John Robb.

It seems that high visa costs and long waits are making it financially challenging for those acts with marginal success. Of course that applies to new artists and bands trying to break in the US, but also to all the "classic" artists of yesterday who still tour.

A US work visa now costs upwards of $7,000, and the wait time is so long that making advance travel plans become impossible, thereby jacking up the costs. It's even worse if you book the tour and then have to change plans at the last minute in fear of not having the visa issued.

Some Brit musicians used to get away with this by applying for a holiday visa, but it seems that immigration officials have now caught on, sending violators right back home and even banning them from entering for up to 10 years.

Apparently there's also a 30% tax on every dollar earned while in America, which hardly seems fair but isn't all that surprising.

American artists face no such trials getting into the UK, as a mere 50 bucks secures a work visa, and they're quick to get as well.

So see that British band while you can the next time they tour the US. You may not have another chance.

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