"There are a lot of online elements that every artist, band or brand has to be involved in these days in order to be an effective online marketer. It’s pretty easy to get confused and either not know where to begin, or throw yourself scattershot at all of them, which usually means that your efforts will be ineffective when it comes to promotion. If we just look at the major components, it looks something like this:
- Your website
- Your email list
- Facebook and Google+ posts
- Music releases
- YouTube video posts
- Blog posts
Throw in any of the 100+ additional networks available and it’s no wonder why artists, bands and music execs become bewildered by it all. We can make things a bit simpler by separating these components so they fall into one of three categories; content, interaction and tactics. If we break all this out, it looks like this:
1. Content: the places online where you place the material that you generate, like information about your band, music, videos, or blog posts. Interaction is all the social networks where you might interact with your fans and followers. These include:
- Your website
- Your mailing list
- Your blog
- Your videos on Youtube and other video sites
- Your music files on Soundcloud or other music hosting sites
2. Interaction: the places where you regularly communicate with your fans, followers, clients and customers. These include:
- Google+
- Bookmarking
- Any other social network
3. Tactics: everything required to define and refine who you are and your position in the online world. These include:
- Branding
- Strategy
- Measurement
All this gets more interesting when we put into the form of a Venn chart as in Figure 2.1 and watch how the categories intersect.
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Figure 2.1: A Venn chart of your online presence.
As you can see, where all three category circles cross, a new element pops up - promotion. This isn’t possible without all three elements combined, which goes to show just how synergistic they all are. Use only one or two and you fall short; use all three and new possibilities for promotion arise. That’s not the strategy though, only the general overview."
To read additional excerpts from Social Media Promotion for Musicians and my other books, go to the book excerpts section of bobbyowsinski.com.
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